Continue to Be Avaviable to Ask Questions
6 Key Questions to Unlock Your Barriers and Move Forward.
Take a moment and reflect on where you are today in your life. Are you happy, dissatisfied, or fearful to even really reflect on where you are today? In order to truly move forward within one's personal and professional life, one must understand his or her attitude toward where he or she is today and the beliefs to where one wants to go in the future. One's reflection of his or her life either positive or negative, shapes one's future. So, today, let's take some time to truly direct one's attention, attitudes, and beliefs toward six essential questions that one should ask, answer, and use to shape his or her strategy of unlocking personal and professional barriers, and using that information to implement his or her strategy toward unlocking unlimited potential.
(1) What are your attitudes and beliefs regarding where you've come to where you're today (personally, professionally, financially, and/or spirituality)? This could be a simple question for some, or incredibly deep and dense for others. Take a moment to truly reflect on your attitudes and beliefs associated with this question. Jot down your thoughts. Be honest with yourself. This is for you. The only way that you truly can move forward is to be honest with yourself. The only person judging you at this moment is you.
(2) How do rate your attitudes and beliefs as high, low, and/or both level energies? Identify if there repetitive feelings and emotions that are associated with a specific instance, timeframe, or point in your life that is embedded to you. Every, thought or attitude is connected to high or low energy frequency. Simply put, your attitudes impact your mindset.
High Energy: Happiness, Joy, Love, Peace, Acceptance, and Kindness.
Low Energy: Fear, Shame, Guilt, Disgust, Pain, Hurt, and Resent.
Connect your feelings and emotions to either high, low, or perhaps, both energies. You could
abbreviate with a+ for high, – for low, and + & – for both. These emotions tie into whatever "story" that you've created about yourself. Now, take a look at your abbreviations or indicators of your high, low, and/or combined energies, do you have more high or low level energies? How does this analysis make you feel? Why do you think you feel that way about you? Are those perceptions reasonable or not? Jot down your thoughts.
(3) Do your attitude and beliefs support your current and future goals? Here, reflect on your high, low, and combination of energies. Are these the energies that will support, stagnate, or decline your current and future goals? Why? Write this down. If they stagnate or decline your current or future goals, ask yourself why you continue to carry such energies with you? Write that down.
(4) Are you willing to look deeper to why you carry your energy baggage? Carrying high, low, and/or a combination of energies happens. Understanding why you continue to carry low level or mixed energies is essential to unlocking your emotional and energy barriers. Here, you need to be even more open and honest with yourself and ask, why you continue to hold on to unhealthy, low level energies? What event, person, or thing is it that is causing such a magnetic pull to continue attaching such low level energy? Write this down
(5) Ask yourself, if this current energy aligns or not with your personal objectives?
If the high level energy supports your objectives it is the right kind of mindset needed to move forward with your objectives. If you notice the energy is more low level it is not the traits that that support your objectives. Meaning, keeping this low level energy mindset will continue to be baggage and will delay, or perhaps, derail the fruitions of achieving your personal objectives. In order to breakthrough this internal barrier, you will need to clear or at the very least, work towards clearing the low level energies associated with your mindset.
(6) Are you ready to clear low level energies and embrace high level energies to unlock your barriers and move forward?
You've identified your low and high level energies. Now, you need to ask yourself if you're ready to clear the low level energies and embrace your high level energies. If one continues to hold onto low level energies, one is purposefully allowing that barrier to continue. If one recognizes, understands why, embraces the emotions, and can release such low level energies to move on, then one is on the road to a mindset breakthrough. Essentially this simple act of removing such low level energies allows oneself to embrace high level energies that aid in strengthening the mindset to overcome barriers and move forward.
Self-awareness is essential to moving forward. This includes embracing one's residual low and high level energies is a starting point to breaking mental barriers. Understanding why such barriers exist and letting go over energies that do not align with personal objectives is paramount to moving forward. Letting go, means accepting the what, why, how, and when aspects of such low level energies and then removing those energies completely. This can be done by affirming one deletes such energies, and affirming maintaining and growing the positive energies. Doing so, expands one's personal mindset, which aids in the removal of emotional barriers and enables the essential high level supported mindset needed to move forward.
Great Resources for Breaking Through Barriers…
Adyashanti (2014). Adyashanti Shares a Simple Yet Powerful Exercise to Release Negative Energy (Video). The Huffington Post. Retrieved:
Excelsias, G. (N.A.). The Simple Secret to Overcome Depression, Burn-Out, Stress & Lack of Happiness in 40 Days or Less. Mindvalley Academy. Retrieved: .
Goers, A. (2014). Overcome the Fear of Success: 6 Ways to Start Thriving. Tiny Buddah. Retrieved:
Gordon, G. (2013). 4 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Failure. The Huffington Post. Retrieved:
Sheldon, M. (N.A). Unlimited Abundance. Mindvalley Academy. Retrieved:
Tardanico, S. (2012). Five Ways to Make Peace with Failure. Forbes. Retrieved:
Copyright Viral Solutions llc © 2014. All Rights Reserved
by Katie Doseck, Ph.D.
Chief Visionary and Strategic Ace Up Your Sleeve | Viral Solutions LLC
Katie Doseck, PhD | Chief Visionary & Strategic Ace Up Your Sleeve. I catapulted my experience with extensive education, trainings, and personal coaching; earning a PhD in Organizational Management with a specialization in Human Resource Management, MBA in Organizational Leadership, and BA in Law & Liberal Arts. Subject Matter Expert (SME) areas: Human Resource Management, Employment Law, Organizational Change, Change Management, Resource Planning, Strategic Planning, Talent Management, Selling & Sales Management, Training & Development, Decision Making Models, Project Management, Customer Relationship Management, and Motivation. Dr. Doseck is based out of Logan, Utah.
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