Media Failed to Upload a Video Twitter

Parameters All-time Settings
Format MP4 encoded with H264 and AAC
Rosolution 1280x720, 720x1280, 720x720
Aspect Ratio 16:ix, 1:one
Frame Rate xxx FPS, 60 FPS
Minimum Video Bitrate 5000KBPS
Minimum Audio Bitrate 128KBPS

If you are not sure which inappropriate parameter acquired your video won't upload to Twitter, delight judge based on the prompt received. Below we mainly talk about the three common mistake messages on Twitter.

Solve "Your video file could non be processed" on Twitter

When your media file could not be processed on Twitter, significant that your video is using an incompatible audio or video codec. Fifty-fifty if you upload MP4 (HEVC, AAC), MP4 (MPEG-4, AAC), MP4 (H264, MP3), or others, the results are all failures. In this case, you have to reset the video and sound codec to MP4 (H264, AAC).

your video file could not be processed is an online video converter, allowing you to catechumen video files to MP4, AVI, MPEG, WebM, Apple, Android, etc. (9 formats and 6 devices). It'south a decent tool to fix video won't upload to Twitter, as it's able to change video/audio codec, Twitter video file size, and resolution.

Steps to Tweak File Codec for Twitter:

  1. Go to in your spider web browser.
  2. Click the "Open file" push, and add the video file y'all want to upload to Twitter.
  3. Choose mp4 as the output format.
  4. Striking the "Settings" button next to the resolution option.
  5. Select the video codec – H.264/AAC and audio codec- AAC (Advanced Audio Coding).select the video codec
  6. Click "Convert" and download the video

You can re-upload the converted video to Twitter. The consequence "Your video file could non be processed" won't occur again, and your video volition be sent successfully.

Notation: Codec and video container are two different concepts. When you post videos in MKV (H264, AAC) or other unsupported formats to Twitter, the prompt will be "Please choose either 1 gif or up to four photos".

Set "Your video file is not uniform" on Twitter

If you can't upload video to Twitter because of "Your video file is not compatible", y'all must shorten the video elapsing and control it inside 140 seconds. The prompt box will announced when you click to publish "Tweet".

your video file is not compatible is a elementary online video editor that focuses its features on trimming videos instantly. It also has the ability to crop/rotate/loop/stabilize/tape video, change resolution/speed/volume, remove logo, and add image. At this moment, we merely need its Trim feature to solve Twitter won't upload video.

Steps to Trim Video Online for Twitter Uploading:

  1. Visit the website -
  2. Drag the Twitter video into the page and wait for analysis.
  3. Place the marker on the timeline. Set the starting and ending signal to remove unwanted parts, enabling the time is shorter than two minutes and 2 seconds.
  4. Click "Save" in the lower right corner to encode video.trim video with online tool
  5. Salvage your trimmed video to local. save video

How to Postal service Long Videos on Twitter?

Really, y'all tin can mail videos longer than 140 seconds on Twitter, merely the video you upload should be:

  • MP4 or MOV
  • 512MB or less (for personal account), 1GB or less (for business organization account)
  • Upward to 10 minutes
  1. Caput over to
  2. Fill in your credit card details. (No charge)
  3. Once done, become to the top menu bar, choose "Creatives" > "Videos". post long video on twitter
  4. Click the "Upload your start video" button and select the long video from your reckoner.
  5. Compose the video tweet.
  6. Preview and publish your long video on Twitter.

Solve "Some of your media failed to upload" on Twitter

Can't upload video to Twitter? It may be you are posting a 3840x2160, 2048x1080, 3072x1280, 2560x1280, etc. video. The highest video resolution accepted by Twitter Video is 1280x1024. Once this value is exceeded, information technology volition cause the "Some of your media failed to upload" issue.

some of your media failed to load

As evident from its proper noun, Deject Convert is a deject-based video converter. It supports 7 video formats (MP4, MOV included), 7 sound formats, and 1 epitome format (GIF). More than importantly, you lot tin can choose the video resolution, ranging from 320x240 to 3840x2160. You lot can use a customize resolution equally well. Likewise, it also ensures you to custom Twitter video codec, book, profile, and aspect ratio.

Steps to Change Video Resolution for Twitter:

  1. Navigate to in your browser.
  2. Click "Select File" and add your local twitter video
  3. Select "Catechumen to MP4".
  4. An icon like a wrench will appear side by side to it. Click the icon to open up the "Options" window.change resolution
  5. Cull resolution equally "1280x720 (720p HD). Information technology's a recommended option. Hit "Okay".
  6. Start the conversion to solve video won't upload to Twitter.convert video

In add-on, the following two situations will as well receive Twitter "Some of your media failed to upload" error messages:

  • Twitter wants to verify whether you lot are a robot - Attempt to send a text-based tweet, and pass a Google reCAPTCHA challenge.
  • The VPN server prevented you from uploading video to Twitter – Disable the VPN you are using.

If information technology notwithstanding can't work, clear cookies, cache and browsing history!

All-in-one Solution to Fix Twitter Uploading Media Failed

No thing what the reason you can't upload video to Twitter, Cisdem Video Converter for Mac tin can ever assist yous. It's the all-in-one tool that meets nigh any demands related to Twitter videos. It's able to download videos from Twitter, catechumen video to Twitter formats, configure video & audio parameters, and optimize video length.

Information technology has come up a long mode in the field of multimedia file conversion, which is much more powerful than online tools. The programme can:

  • Batch convert unlimited video to MP4, MOV, and other 300+ formats
  • Support video download from Twitter, YouTube, Bilibili, and other k+ sites
  • Adjust file codec, aqueduct, aspect ratio, frame rate, resolution, etc.
  • Trim segment of your Twitter prune
  • Ingather the Twitter video into any size
  • Rotate video
  • Add together effects, subtitles, and watermarks to Twitter video
  • Rip DVD to Twitter

Free Download

Ultimate guide - steps to Fix Twitter Uploading Media Failed:

Step 1. Load videos into Cisdem Video Converter

Directly elevate-northward-driblet (individual or multiple) Twitter videos yous would like to upload into the app.

add twitter video

Step 2. Choose Twitter supported formats

Click the Format icon to open the format-selecting panel. Head to the "General Video" column. From the correct pane, select "MP4 Video", which is encoded with H264 and AAC.

As well, yous can scroll down and choose "MOV Video".

choose format

Stride 3. Customize the output parameter

On the correct side of the format option, at that place is a icon. Click it to get the "Advanced Settings" window. Change bit rate, codec, channel, frame size, resolution, etc. to a suitable i.

advanced settings

Footstep 4. Edit Twitter videos

Click the button to get the video-editing interface.

Under the "Trim" tab, move the lower triangle of the starting time and end points to cut the video. Y'all tin can see if the remaining fourth dimension of the video exceeds 140 seconds.

trim twitter video

Switch to "Crop" tab, and enable cropping. From the existent-time preview, drag and resize the yellow crop frame around the video. Alternatively, manually set the attribute ratio or employ the preset one to fit for Twitter.

crop twitter video

Step five. Printing conversion icon to make the best and compatible Twitter videos for uploading.

Free Download

The Bottom Line

In the cease, you should know why you can't upload video to Twitter. The commodity outlines iii common error letters you might receive when Twitter won't upload video and 4 solutions. The first 3 tools are free and do not crave installation. Merely compared to professional software, they not so safe and versatile. My thought is to solve your problems and brand a Twitter video past Cisdem Video Converter.


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