The Art of Advocacy ââ“ Three Essential Questions for Planning Strategy

13 major challenges faced while building a community | Experts' Roundup

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Planning to build a Customs? Before you go ahead, larn about the challenges faced while edifice it by the Community Experts itself.

There are a lot of challenges ane faces while building a community. Some can be serious enough to slow down the growth of a customs. But practice we ever list them out and try to observe their solutions?

Utkarsh Singh Bhardwaj, one of our community members, brought this out and asked the toughest challenge one faces while growing a community.

Therefore, after a great give-and-take, nosotros came out with the following points where all the community experts discussed the challenges they faced while building their communities-

  1. Lack of Motivation- Taking up the challenges to run/abound the community is like shooting fish in a barrel, but to actually continue the pace/dedication/motivation to do so is the most difficult part. — by Milan Singh Thakur
    Quite a few times it happens that nosotros lose the pace with which we were moving in the first thus creating a advice gap with the community members and getting off the track.

2. Content Experiments— Getting people to engage with each other through a good content and burn up discussions is an ice-breaker.
If we become a clarity on the type of content which users look for, we tin can overcome a large challenge. Many a time as a customs manager, we face inertia in trying different types of content. Sometimes we proceed posting a sure blazon of content thinking that only this works, but a variety triggers a lot of reactions and some content may come out winning. Thus, experimenting and getting a clarity on the blazon of users and their need, helps.
- past Pranidhi Puri , Puneet Aggarwal , Mahaveer Muttha

3. Member Generated Appointment- In that location is a need to concentrate on the interactions between community members for its growth and strengthening. It's of import to identify the unique thinkers who desire to make a divergence where they mingle with other'due south members' ideas and create an affect on the discussions through chapters edifice. Also, having the brainstorming and ice-breaking sessions to solve the problems of the community platform create solutions for that trouble too. — past Abhinaya Bharadhwaj

4. Member's active participation- If growing a customs is hard, finding first 10 daily agile users that don't need any prodding is 100x tougher in my experience. — by Anuj Adhiya
A new member generally doesn't participate because of hesitation or less awareness about the importance of the customs. Making the new members comfortable in the group is a claiming, said Pranidhi.
According to Asha Chaudhry, to get the new users contribute in a meaningful way (apart from newbie contests) and to grow the number of power users, few hacks are to apply easy CTA posts, question of the day, opinion polls on topics shut to the TA's eye or to revisit a newcomer's first query. This conspicuously shows the intent of the customs — which is to help & support GENUINELY.
Utkarsh Singh Bhardwaj added that if we have a fair cognition of community crowd's interest, we could e'er diversify our content so that everyone, in some or the other mail service becomes a part of the discussion! Besides, keeping interns every bit a dedicated resource for content research is the all-time mode to tackle this. —Asha Chaudhry

5. Dedicated Team & Leadership — A adept defended squad is required to run any customs where tasks tin be delegated to multiple resources. Though community manager is called the one-man ground forces, getting everything done by the same person delays the flow of the whole process.- Pranidhi Puri
Therefore, the team should be capable enough to accept upwards all the challenges and the bonding among the team members should be strong, added
Mahaveer Muttha .

6. Consistency- Existence consequent with the content is a great challenge. Once we start edifice useful content for the members, a curiosity among them generates. Like for example- Initially in whatsoever community, participation is less in the commencement. Only when the posting of content becomes regular, the appointment increases automatically. Members showtime generating marvel towards upcoming content and learning. —Pranidhi Puri
Not just in social media simply consistent date and delivering values are required in other aspects also. For example, when we speak about community from a co-working perspective where the personas and needs are rather various, it requires consistent fact-finding, experimenting and tracking the value/engagement to evangelize it.- Mithun Shetty , Avani Parekh

7. Maintaining the Personal Touch & Uniqueness in the Customs-Community is not a commodity. Information technology consists of unique people who can be spring by a common feature to a certain extent simply otherwise differ in beliefs. And so, customizing to diverse level of needs is a challenge. Every bit the community scales, it becomes a challenge to residuum personal touch and standard norms. by Priya Sood
Likewise, members can become inactive at whatsoever time. As the number of members increases, acknowledging the feedback of each of them becomes a big task- Pranidhi Puri

8. Monetisation model for a customs- Another trouble is to find a style to monetize the community. Nobody starts a customs to make it a full-time pursuit, just to find a style and manage processes around is a challenge that differs customs to community. —Teja Bitra

9. Knowing members beyond online channels- It is not so piece of cake to bring people together offline because it is necessary to build the trust amid the members and towards the make to get them together.- Pranidhi Puri
Co-ordinate to Teja Bitra, information technology'southward difficult to bring people during initial days. He has tried several techniques like tech seminars, group discussions, spot quizzes etc. So he followed Seth Godin's Minimum Viable Audition concept which focuses more on quality than quantity. Since and then, he cared less about numbers and tried to make human connections.

Co-ordinate to Venkatrangan Gokul -

10. Building a sense of belonging among members — As Arbab Usmanisaid, the toughest claiming for any community builder is psychological and generally, the community leaders pass up to accept this considering somewhere it hits their ego. Also, this path has more failure than success and the biggest challenge hither is to install " the sense of the community" in their members.

Venkatrangan Gokul added that creating a sense of belongingness automatically brings in date. It's sometimes more than simply posting relevant content, as it may also plow into a one-manner broadcast. It'due south more nigh appealing emotionally and creating a human relationship. Too, about being recognized for their contributions.

xi. Finding relevant people with a common goal — While adding new members, ane challenge is to discover relevant people with interests that align with the customs. Deepak Sahoo tries solving this past contacting people on LinkedIn (not really effective), and by asking active members to refer their agreeing friends (slightly more than effective). Another style is to ensure that your content and activities are visible on public feeds where people can discover your community. For case- recurring meet-ups, issue listings, posting content on pop forums etc.

12. Facing market place contest- According to Manmeet Singh, capturing the same market which has already been captured by other companies is a real challenge. For example: If an app wants to capture musically's marketplace, it has to become through the already existing apps similar clip, vigo, tiktok etc who have already stepped into brusk video community. Therefore, it's necessary to get unique in order to capture the already captured market.

thirteen. Find Moderators- The toughest office is to become more pushers. Nowadays, community builders get so busy focussing on electric current pushers that they overlook prospective pushers who can run the community in the correct direction. —Mohit Mahajan

Thus, finding solutions to the challenges is the only manner to grow your customs in a healthy direction. These were the points which summarise the word happened in our group. The members who have shared their views are themselves the Customs Builders. They have achieved these benefits while edifice their corresponding communities. We would like to give thanks all of them for sharing these valuable customs learnings.

Are we missing any important point here? It'south a community-driven blog, if y'all have anything to add, exercise put down your thoughts in the annotate section and information technology volition be updated here.


# community# community-engagement# community-management# community-development# evangelism

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